Thursday,  April 11, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 266 • 20 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 19)

• "Until those conditions seem resolved it appears prudent for Sanford to disengage from this effort and will do so immediately," he said.
• Chuck Mooty, Fairview's chairman and interim CEO, issued a statement saying he's disappointed but respects Sanford's decision. He also said Fairview won't consider the university's proposal to acquire Fairview and will now proceed with recruiting a new CEO.
• "Clearly, we need to ensure strategic alignment between us before we can advance new ideas for the future," Mooty said. "However, we feel it is not the time to discuss any proposal that involves the university acquiring Fairview. As a result, our work to evaluate that proposal will stop."
• Swanson issued a statement saying the last few weeks had given Minnesotans the chance to participate in a dialogue about the impact of the deal. She said she had not spoken with Fairview or university officials since receiving Sanford's statement, but added that she appreciated Fairview's announcement that it will now hire a new CEO.
• "That's great that they've decided to take a step back," said Rep. Dan Schoen, DFL-St. Paul, another critic of the proposal.
• In an email Wednesday to University of Minnesota leaders, university President Eric Kaler said he is disappointed that Fairview won't consider the university's proposal to acquire Fairview, "given my strong belief that the status quo is not sustainable." The university is not commenting on Sanford's decision and is not granting any interviews, university spokesman Chuck Tombarge said.
• After Sanford's discussions with Fairview came to light, Schoen and Rep. Joe Atkins, DFL-Inver Grove Heights, introduced a bill that would block any entity from outside the state from taking control of the university's hospitals. Schoen said that bill didn't specifically target Sanford, and that the larger concerns of any outsider taking over a Minnesota-based health system still need to be addressed.
• Atkins expressed similar concerns. He said he still intends to hold hearings on the legislation and that he wants Fairview's chief executive to attend.
• "Another non-Minnesota-based entity could still try to acquire Fairview and we would once again be in the same potential situation where the University of Minnesota Medical Center would be not under Minnesota control. The bottom line is that the University of Minnesota Hospitals ought to always be controlled by folks based right here in Minnesota."

(Continued on page 21)

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