Tuesday,  April 9, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 264 • 22 of 45 •  Other Editions

Today in Weather History

1997: A late season storm produced snow from the Black Hills through South Central South Dakota. The greatest amounts occurred in a 40 mile wide swath generally along and south of Interstate 90. Snowfall amounts include 9 inches at Rapid City, 12 inches at Deerfield, 10 inches at Custer, 11 inches at Mission, and 12 inches at Winner. Outside this swath, snowfall generally ranged from 3 to 6 inches.

1947: A tornado family destroyed Glazier, TX and much of Higgins, TX before it hit Woodward, OK. The family traveled 170 miles, killed 181 people, and injured 970.

1953: The first radar image of a tornado was detected at the University of Illinois airport in Champaign, IL. The radar displayed a hook echo.

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