Saturday,  April 6, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 261 • 24 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 23)

Fitzgerald, a Leavenworth Republican who supported the bill.
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After judge reverses morning-after pill limits, Obama must decide whether to appeal

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama supports requiring girls younger than 17 to see a doctor before buying the morning-after pill. But fighting that battle in court comes with its own set of risks.
• A federal judge in New York on Friday ordered the Food and Drug Administration to lift age restrictions on the sale of emergency contraception -- ending today's requirement that buyers show proof they're 17 or older if they want to buy it without a prescription. The ruling accused the Obama administration in no uncertain terms of letting the president's pending re-election cloud its judgment when it set the age limits in 2011.
• "The motivation for the secretary's action was obviously political," U.S. District Judge Edward Korman wrote in reference to Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, who made the 2011 decision. The FDA had been poised to allow

over-the-counter sales with no age limits when Sebelius took the unprecedented step of overruling the agency.
• If the Obama administration appeals Korman's ruling, it could re-ignite a simmering cultural battle over women's reproductive health -- never far from the surface in American politics -- sidetracking the president just as he's trying to keep Congress and the public focused on gun control, immigration and resolving the nation's budget woes.
• "There's no political advantage whatsoever," said Democratic strategist Hank Sheinkopf. "It's a side issue he doesn't need to deal with right now. The best idea is to leave it alone."
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Hillary Clinton's every public move generates buzz about 2016 presidential campaign

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Young supporters hold signs outside Hillary Rodham Clinton's speeches urging her to run for president. Audiences listen with rapt attention as she discusses the plight of women and girls in developing countries.
• Even a long-expected book deal announcement generates lots of chatter.

(Continued on page 25)

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