Friday,  April 5, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 260 • 6 of 43 •  Other Editions

Track Meet Postponed

The Groton "Rob Luecke" Invite track meet scheduled for Tuesday, April 9th has been POSTPONED for Tuesday, April 16th!

Bacon - The Next Health Craze?
… And 4 More Unlikely Good-for-You Foods
Recommended by Celebrity Dietician

• Bacon has always been popular, but now it's the standard by which many express affection with the ubiquitous online meme: I love you more than bacon.
It's considered by many to be the ultimate food indulgence, but according to Dr. John Salerno, a protιgι of "Atkins Diet" creator Dr. Robert Atkins, bacon is one of the healthiest foods you can eat.
"Many think of bacon as one of the guiltiest pleasures possible, but it has also been shown to alleviate the effects of diabetes, heart disease and strokes," says Dr. Salerno, author of "The Silver Cloud Diet," ( "Nitrate-free bacon is an excellent source of high protein, low-carbohydrate energy that helps to reset the metabolism, and it's filled with amino acids delivered without the risk of dangerous levels of mercury, which can be found in many fish."
Need more reasons to love bacon?
• It has a 4:1 ratio of protein to fat;
• • It contains choline, which boosts memory and healthy brain function;
• • It's composed of monounsaturated fats, the kind that contains lots of healthy fat-soluble vitamins and minerals
• • It's a potent source of oleic acid and saturated fats, which help reduce levels of low density lipoprotein (LDL), lower triglycerides, and raise HDL - commonly referred to as the good form of cholesterol.
Dr. Salerno says there are other indulgent-yet-healthy foods out there, including:
• Butter: Butter contains the highest amount of butyric acid found in a natural food source. Butyric acid is recognized for its roles in cellular health, antioxidant protection and metabolic properties; it also increases energy and may prevent cancer. Butter derived from natural, grass-fed animals is recommended.
• Barbecue: Add sauces and condiments and this American favorite will have more starch and sugar than Salerno recommends. But the main ingredient - meat - speaks to the heart of a low-carb, high-protein diet. Grass-fed hamburger meat and

(Continued on page 8)

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