Thursday,  April 4, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 259 • 9 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 8)

sary to look up boldfaced words.  If he/she finds a section hard to grasp, he could read a picture book on the topic. Typing the topic in a search engine helps as well.  An image search in Google can give great visuals but always preview first by an adult and then find the information on the internet together as a team.
•  Summer is just around the corner which means fun, swimming and the library.  Our library will be open again this summer so sharpen those reading skills to help make a smooth transition into fall 2013.

Music - Marlorie Yeaton
Greetings! We have had a busy year since you saw us perform at the Christmas Concert! And now--believe it or not--we are beginning our preparations for the Spring Concert, which will be Tuesday, April 30 at 7:00pm in the old high school gym. We hope to see you all there!
• The Junior Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade students have continued their study of music in regards to steady beat, dynamics, tempo, creative movement, and singing on pitch. The Second and Third Grade students have been busy learn

ing about note and rest symbols and their counting as they have begun reading rhythms and singing melodies with Do, Re, Mi, So, and La, in addition to studying dynamics, tempo, and singing in harmony. The Fourth Grade students have been learning about the recorder for the past several weeks. They are doing a great job at putting all of their musical knowledge into playing an instrument for the first time! The Fifth Grade students have just begun Band with Mrs. Jensen and are very excited about it!
• Our spring concert will feature songs from musicals, with a theme of "The Magic of Musicals". The students are learning about musicals as they prepare their songs. They will sing songs from
Annie, Mary Poppins, The Lion King, The Jungle Book, The Sound of Music,

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