Thursday,  April 4, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 259 • 33 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 32)

US is halfway toward Obama's 5-year goal of doubling exports but likely to fall a bit short

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Suddenly outsourcing is on the way out and insourcing on the way in as the U.S. trudges unevenly toward President Barack Obama's goal of doubling American exports around the world by the start of 2015.
• So far, export levels are about halfway to his mark.
• Obama set the five-year target in his January 2010 State of the Union address and recently has hastened his drumbeat, telling his export advisory council last month the nation was "well on our way" to his goal. "The question now becomes: How do we sustain this momentum?"
• While economists and industry leaders generally expect the ambitious target to be missed, impressive gains already booked in American manufacturing and exporting suggest such a miss may not be by that much.
• Why the optimism toward a manufacturing comeback? Here are five reasons:
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Vietnamese vets exposed to Agent Orange seek relief from unproven Scientology 'detox' program

• THAI BINH, Vietnam (AP) -- North Vietnamese army veteran Nguyen Anh Quoc grimaces as he forces down the last of the 35 vitamins he takes each morning. After decades of suffering from illnesses he believes were caused by exposure to Agent Orange, he is putting his faith in a regime advocated by the Church of Scientology.
• "I have to take them," the 62-year-old said at a treatment center established with the help of a Scientology-funded group. "They will clean up my body."
• The center, a converted mushroom farm in northern Vietnam, owes as much to Scientology's desire to expand around the world, away from scandal in the United States, as it does to pressure in Vietnam to try to help aging veterans still suffering from the effects of war.
• Many medical experts regard the treatment -- a 25-day vitamin and sauna regime -- as junk medicine or even dangerous. But for now at least, it has found fertile ground here.
• The Vietnamese advocacy group overseeing the program in Thai Binh province wants to offer it to all 20,000 people suffering from ailments blamed on dioxins in

(Continued on page 34)

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