Thursday,  April 4, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 259 • 16 of 38 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 15)

learned how their civilizations developed and the governments they formed.
• We are now learning about the countries in the Persian Gulf which is very timely.
• Some of the projects the students have participated in are writing a brochure on a landmark in Europe or how feasible it would be to start a business in certain countries based on that country's resources, and how weather is affected by latitude and altitude.

8th Grade Civics - Mrs. Duncan
What a fun year to take civics!  We spent a lot of time talking about and following the Presidential campaign and election. Students made posters for the presidential candidate of their choice and posted them it the hall.  We also watched our state election.
• Branches of the government and their roles and powers have been covered at all three levels of government - local, state, and federal. Highlights of the State of the Union address by President Obama and State of the State address by Governor Daugaard were viewed and discussed by the students also.  Thank you to Officer Bjerke for sharing about our local laws with the students.

FACS I - Mrs. Tietz
Students in FACS I are knee-deep in the "Cooking Healthy" unit.  In this unit, students not only identify nutrients in foods and how each functions in our bodies, but they learn how to alter recipes to make them healthier without sacrificing taste or appeal.  We also explore kitchen safety, basic cooking techniques, measuring, and generally get used to work in the kitchen.  Before we began this unit, the FACS I students completed the sewing unit in which they each made themselves a pair of pajama pants and an apron.  They will finish off the fourth quarter with the child development unit where they will learn basic child development principals and study the preschool age child.

FACS  II - Mrs. Tietz
Sewing is the unit the FACS II students are in.  Each student has made a satchel purse, it was a lot of fun to see the fabrics they chose and how they turned them into a garment that they were excited to use!  We are finishing off the unit by also making an apron.  Next week the FACS II students will start the Interior Design unit where they will explore the elements of design, tour local homes, and design and decorate their future home.

(Continued on page 17)

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