Tuesday,  April 2, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 257 • 11 of 33 •  Other Editions

Ward 2 Candidates

Two candidates are running for the Ward 2 position on the Groton City Council. Both were given the same questionnaire as the mayor candidates. Eddy Opp declined to complete the survey. Ron Belden's comments are listed below.

Eddy Opp

Ron Belden

Ron Belden

• Fiancιe  Julie Pigors
Two sons: Garrett and Greg, and a daughter, Alicia
Grandchildren  Hunter, Addison and Brantley
Dog:  Marlie
• Occupation:
Outside Sales for Sturdevants Refinish Supply Center
• Church Affiliation:
St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
In lieu of direct answers to the questions I will give you a brief overview
These are great questions you are asking the candidates. My response would be Why are the current city officials not asking the citizens of Groton these questions?
I do have opinions to all of these questions. If elected to the council I don't believe I should be going to the meetings with my opinions. I should be going with the opinions of the citizens of Groton. I think as a city official you need to be out in the public hearing the concerns and opinions of the citizens. Currently I hear citizens talking and don't see anyone listening.
This is not a bashing of the current city officials I just think it has become a trend and it needs to change.
According to the annual report published in the Groton Independent, the city took in close to $2 million in 2012. What are your experiences or qualifications in running a multimillion dollar business?
• In 2012 my account purchased close to 1.5 million dollars of product from me.

(Continued on page 12)

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