Wednesday,  March 27, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 251 • 19 of 37 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 18)

State GF&P to stock trout in 2 areas near Pierre

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- A state fisheries biologist says rainbow trout will be stocked in two areas near Pierre starting the first week of April.
• Robert Hanten of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department says the department will stock catchable-size rainbow trout at Oahe Marina and Downs Marina.
• Trout released in Downs Marina migrate out of the marina and spend several weeks in and around the LaFramboise Island causeway fishing piers.
• Hanten says the department is hoping that having trout available to shore anglers at LaFramboise causeway, in addition to Oahe Marina, will make trout fishing in the Pierre area more accessible. He says trout range in size from 9 to 11 inches and can provide many hours of fishing enjoyment.

State Dept. of Transportation releases travel app

• ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) -- Traveling in South Dakota? There's an app for that -- on Android smart phones, anyway.
• The state's Department of Transportation has released the South Dakota 511 mobile app, providing information on road conditions, highway closures and travel advisories. The app has the same information as but is formatted for mobile phones.
• Users can download the free app from the Google Play app store. The Aberdeen American News reports that an iPhone version is slated to be released later this year ( ).

SD Sen. Johnson to retire, cites health and age
THOMAS BEAUMONT,Associated Press

• VERMILLION, S.D. (AP) -- Entering the auditorium on a motorized scooter and delivering remarks in halting speech, South Dakota Sen. Tim Johnson announced Tuesday that he would retire next year at the end of his term and acknowledged he remains limited by a 2006 health crisis that nearly killed him.
• Smiling and joking at times as he made the announcement at a press conference in his hometown of Vermillion, the 66-year-old said the effects of his life-threatening brain hemorrhage had made speech and mobility increasingly difficult.
• "I feel great, but I must be honest ... I appreciate my right arm and right leg aren't what they used to be, and my speech is not entirely there," Johnson said, his deliv

(Continued on page 20)

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