Tuesday,  March 26, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 250 • 9 of 36 •  Other Editions

Roof is leaking in 1968 addition

• While in may not seem like it, the colder weather may be a blessing for the Groton High School. Leaks have been popping up around the building. The science lab and Home Ec. rooms where sky lights were installed with the new addition have been the hardest hit.
• "On warmer days, it's like a waterfall in the science lab," Groton Superintendent Laura Schuster said. "There's still a lot of snow up there."
• The roof has been an issue of discussion at the last couple of board meetings and will continue to be a topic of discussion. One of the concerns is how the repair work should be approached. Do they fix the areas around the leaks or repair the whole roof area above the 1968 addition? The problem is that the roof is at different levels.
• The board is consulting with an architect to come

Water leaking around the sky light has caused some major damage to the ceiling in one of the science labs. (Photo #3123 by Char Telkmap)

up with the best solution.
• Students will have a longer school day next year as the board approved the addition of 12 minutes to the school day. The school day will start at 8:30 each morning and end at 3:30 each afternoon. The additional time will be combined with time taken from each period for a total of 24 minutes. The time will be used at both schools at the end of the day for some additional structured instruction.
• No action was taken on whether to not to reinstate any additional funding to the programs that were cut a couple of years ago. The programs each have adequate funding for the year and the school district is still being funding at below 2011 levels. The board will take a closer look at the numbers and may also include some funding for the soccer programs it they do change the funding levels. Soccer is the only program that does not receive any funding from the school district.
• Approval was given for the funding of a summer school for students in the elementary school. The summer school session would take place during the month of

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