Tuesday,  March 26, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 250 • 10 of 36 •  Other Editions

Groton School Board members look over the damage in one of the science labs resulting from a leaking roof. Pictured are Joy Voss, Dorene Nelson, Lars Hanson, Marty Weismantal, Steve Schaller, Steve Smith and Elementary Principal Dan Dalchow. (Photo #3120 by Char Telkamp)

(Continued from page 9)

June and run Monday through Friday.
• "Each fall we deal with students who have had a 'summer slide'," Elementary Principal Dan Dalchow said. "These students would benefit from some instruction during the summer, especially in the areas of reading and math."
• The board approved a budget of $3000 for the program. This allows for two teachers and up to 40 students. The more realistic number of students would run a little over 20 students.
• Spanish II students will again be planning on a summer trip to Spain in 2014. The board gave approval for the class to start making plans for the trip along with fundraising. All fundraising money needs to be run through the school.
• The paper recycling trailer has arrived. The sophomore class will be responsible for the maintenance of the trailer. They will be using it as a fundraiser for their trip to Washington DC. A complete list of what types of paper products that can be donated to the recycling trailer will be released to the public soon.

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