Monday,  March 25, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 249 • 7 of 28 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 6)

legislation and I am glad to lend my support to this bill for our combat veterans.
As you may know, folks who serve for twenty years in the National Guard are not recognized as veterans. So as a way to honor those who have dedicated many years in service to our National Guard, I have cosponsored a bipartisan bill which would give these men and women the honorary status of veteran. During the 112th Congress, my colleagues in the House and I passed similar legislation and I am proud to continue to support this effort.
We must keep our nation's heroes a top priority, and I intend to continue doing just that in Congress. My office recently assisted a veteran named Edgar who was having difficulty receiving a military medal. We were able to contact multiple departments on his behalf and were able to get Edgar the medal he deserved. If you know of a veteran who requires assistance with medals or with benefit claims, please contact one of my offices so we can help. Those needing assistance should visit my website at for more information or call one of my offices.

Will the Easter bunny just hop away... Please!

• I am what many people refer to as a purist. Many do not understand or know what a purist is so let me explain.

The Lighter Side
Rev. James L. Snyder

• No, a purist is not a Puritan, although I have nothing against Puritans and lean heavily in their direction. After all, I think it is better to be radical in the right direction than radical in the wrong direction as many people are today. I think the Puritans are getting a bad rap today.
• A purist, however, is someone who likes things just the way they are. No additives. No upgrades. No unnecessary changes. If my light bulb goes out, I want to change. That is the limit for change except maybe some of it that jingles in my pocket.
• Have you ever noticed that once you are comfortable with a computer program and really like it, someone will upgrade it until it is a completely different program with no relationship to the one you love? I hate that. When you got something that works, do not try to fix it. That is one of the basic rules of life.
• It is a rule I have been trying to explain to the Gracious Mistress of the Parson

(Continued on page 8)

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