Monday,  March 25, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 249 • 15 of 28 •  Other Editions


• Who are the "meek" who will "inherit the earth?" Are they the ones we would classify as weak? Would they fall into a special category labeled "non assertive?" Is the "meek" person one who has no expectations or goals in life? Have you ever seen an ad in the classified section of a newspaper where an insurance company is searching for sale persons that says, "Only the meek should apply?"
• David said, "The meek will inherit the land." And Jesus said, "Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth." Who are these "meek" people anyway? Is there any way we can recognize them?
• Yes, there is, according to Scripture. The "meek" are the ones who are the opposites of the "know it all" or possess a "false-pride." They are the proud and believe that worldly might and power are an end in themselves. They present themselves as the ultimate resource of all knowledge, wisdom, insight and understanding. They consider themselves to be worldly-wise. It is those who think they are the "light of the world" - not Jesus.
• In God's Word, however a truly "meek" person is one whose goal is to know Christ and make Him known. We become meek when we are willing to have God alter every detail of our lives by surrendering to the teachings of God's Word and desiring to honor Him alone.
• When it comes to weakness, our "meekness" will allow us to become "weak" in the hands of God. Then He can shape us into becoming who He would have us to be.
Prayer: Lord, fill our hearts with a meekness that opens our lives to Your Word, Your will and Your ways. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Scripture for Today: Psalm 37:11 But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

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