Saturday,  March 23, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 247 • 30 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 29)

tion into the shootings that pointed to a number of operational missteps, Netanyahu apologized to the Turkish people for "any mistakes that might have led to the loss of life or injury and agreed to conclude an agreement on compensation (and) non-liability," the statement said.
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Police arrest 2 Ga. teens, ages 17 and 14, in slaying of baby in stroller, wounding of mother

• BRUNSWICK, Ga. (AP) -- In five years, Sherry West has lost two sons to unspeakable violence.
• The Georgia mother was grieving from Thursday's shooting death of her 13-month-old son in his stroller during an attempted robbery while they took a morning stroll. In 2008, her 18-year-old son was stabbed in an altercation in New Jersey.
• A pair of teenagers was arrested Friday in the most recent shooting. West had just been to the post office a few blocks from her apartment Thursday morning and was pushing her son, Antonio, in his stroller while they walked past gnarled oak trees and blooming azaleas in the coastal city of Brunswick.
• West said a tall, skinny teenager, accompanied by a smaller boy, asked her for money.
• "He asked me for money and I said I didn't have it," she told The Associated Press Friday from her apartment, which was scattered with her son's toys and movies.
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Federal Aviation Administration to close 149 air traffic control towers because of budget cuts

• CHICAGO (AP) -- Under orders to trim hundreds of millions of dollars from its budget, the Federal Aviation Administration on Friday released a final list of 149 air traffic control towers that it will close at small airports around the country starting early next month.
• The closures will not force any of those airports to shut down, but pilots will be left to coordinate takeoffs and landings among themselves over a shared radio frequency with no help from ground controllers. Those procedures are familiar to all pilots.
• Since a preliminary list of facilities was released a month ago, the FAA plan has raised wide-ranging concerns, including worries about the effect on safety and the potential financial consequences for communities that rely on airports to help attract

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