Saturday,  March 23, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 247 • 2 of 36 •  Other Editions

Governor Daugaard Signs More Bills

• PIERRE, S.D. - Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed the following legislative bills.
SB36 - An Act to protect the identity of the person or entity supplying the intravenous injection substance for executions and to increase the penalty for a violation of those provisions.
SB43 - An Act to revise certain provisions regarding the crossing of a railroad and to revise the penalty for certain railroad crossing violations by the driver of a commercial motor vehicle.
SB56 - An Act to define a credit card bank and to revise certain provisions regarding the distribution of the bank franchise tax.
SB64 - An Act to revise provisions regarding broker price opinions, comparative market analyses, and appraisals.
SB65 - An Act to revise certain exemptions from licensure by the Real Estate Commission.
SB69 - An Act to revise certain provisions of the health professionals diversion program.
SB86 - An Act to increase the minimum salary payable to county officials, state's attorneys, and sheriffs.
SB88 - An Act to authorize the county to deny bids on county sales of tax deed properties if the bidder is not current on property taxes due.
SB89 - An Act to limit the liability of retail dealers in petroleum products under certain conditions.
SB103 - An Act to remove the required waiting period before cremated remains may be released to be scattered.
SB118 - An Act to provide for the issuance of a resident medical license and to repeal certain resident training permits issued by the Board of Medical and Osteo

pathic Examiners.
SB28 - An Act to revise the property tax levies for the general fund of a school district.
SB39 - An Act to
establish a penalty for a juvenile convicted as an adult of a Class A or B felony and allow a sentence of up to life imprisonment after a sentencing hearing.

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