Friday,  March 22, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 246 • 26 of 35 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 25)

million to improve three parts of South Dakota's state park system.
• The bill, proposed by the governor, sets aside $2 million for construction at the new state park being established at the Blood Run Nature Area in southeastern South Dakota.
• Another $1.5 million will be used for improvements at the Custer State Park visitor's center.
• And $500,000 will be used to extend the George S. Mickelson hiking and biking trail in the Black Hills to Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
• The governor signed the parks funding bill Thursday as he was finishing work on bills passed by this year's Legislature.

SD gov OKs bill boosting lawmaker expense payments

• PIERRE, S.D. (AP) -- Gov. Dennis Daugaard has signed into law a measure that increases the daily allowance South Dakota lawmakers get to cover the cost of lodging, meals and other expenses during the annual legislative sessions.
• The bill increases the current expense payment of $110 a day to $123 a day, with changes in the future to be tied to Internal Revenue Service guidelines.
• The measure does not change the $6,000 annual salary paid to members of the Legislature.
• Lawmakers who supported the increase in the daily expense payment have said it is needed because the payment has not been raised in 13 years.
• Opponents have argued that lawmakers should not increase the payment in the middle of their current term.

10 Things to Know for Today
The Associated Press

• Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about today:
• Three Marines, including the suspected gunman who was believed to be a staff member at the officer candidate school, are dead at the base in Virginia.
• Syria's president vows to rid the country of Muslim extremists whom he blamed for a suicide bombing that killed 42 people, including a top Sunni preacher.
• Cypriot authorities are trying to put together a plan they hope will persuade international lenders to provide the money the country needs to avoid bankruptcy.

(Continued on page 27)

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