Wednesday,  March 20, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 244 • 6 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

• New business included fruit sales and reminder to pick up fruit Tuesday March 19th from 3:15-5:00 at the 4-H garage.
• A motion to make a donation to the community center was made by Brody Sombke and 2nd by Mark Leonhardt. A motion was made by Tessa Erdmann to make a donation to the phonathon and 2nd by Brooklyn Gilbert. A motion was made by Tyra Leonhardt to donate to the Albrecht family and 2nd by Sarah Sippel. Another motion was made by Maryn Howard to purchase 2 benches and give a donation to the J.V. Treshing Bee.
• Highlights from the newshound were read president Wyatt. An invitation was given to members to hear coach Meyer speak on Saturday March 23 at 9:30am at the ARCC. N
• Next meeting will be held on April 14th at 6:30pm at Groton community center.
• Kari Hanson made a motion to adjourn the meeting which was 2nd by Mark Leonhardt.
• Many public demonstrations were given as follows: Tanae Lipp-Shockerd dogs, Ellie Harms-No bake cookies,Travis Townsend-3-2-1 cake, Kari Hanson and Han

nah Webb- healthy alternative dips, Brooklyn Gilbert- cake dip, Devan Howard-history of soccer, Tessa Erdmann- how to clean a horses hooves, Mark Leonhardt-muskrat traps,Maryn Howard- importance of corn, Jamesen Stange- fruit dip, Alex Stange- guacamole, Brooklyn and Tessa- animal rights.

Respectfully submitted by Alexandra Stange Secretary/Reporter.

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