Wednesday,  March 20, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 244 • 31 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 30)

• Police and South Korean officials said the cause was not immediately clear. The government issued a cybersecurity advisory warning website owners to beware of cyberattacks, the state-run Korea Communications Commission said.
• But speculation centered on North Korea, with experts saying a cyberattack orchestrated by Pyongyang was likely to blame.
• The shutdown comes amid rising rhetoric and threats of attack from Pyongyang in response to U.N. punishment for its December rocket launch and February nuclear test. Washington also expanded sanctions against North Korea this month in a bid to cripple the regime's ability to develop its nuclear program.
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Cyprus archbishop says will put church assets at country's disposal to help emerge from crisis

• NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) -- The head of Cyprus' influential Orthodox church, Archbishop Chrysostomos II, says he will put the church's assets at the country's disposal to help pull it out of a financial crisis, after lawmakers rejected a plan to seize up to 10 percent of people's bank deposits to secure an international bailout.
• Speaking after meeting President Nicos Anastasiades Wednesday, Chrysostomos said the church was willing to mortgage its assets to invest in government bonds.
• The church has considerable wealth, including property, stakes in a bank and a brewery. Tuesday's rejection of the deposit tax has left the future of the country's international bailout in question.
• Cyprus needs 15.8 billion euros to bail out its banks and shore up government finances to avoid default and a potential exit from the European joint currency.
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Nevada town with deep military history mourns Marines who died in training exercise explosion

• HAWTHORNE, Nev. (AP) -- Hundreds of residents in a rural community steeped in military history turned out to mourn the loss of at least seven Marines as investigators arrived at an ammunition depot to try to determine how a mortar shell exploded at the Nevada base and sent shrapnel flying into troops during a training exercise.
• Families with children clutching small American flags were among the nearly 300 people who attended the brief memorial service, where a trumpeter played taps at a

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