Sunday,  March 17, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 241 • 43 of 46 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 42)

a six-minute homily -- brief by church standards -- in the Vatican's tiny parish church, St. Anna, when he walked outside to greet parishioners one by one, just as an ordinary pastor does after weekly services.
• Francis started speaking at the window even before the stroke of noon -- the appointed time for the weekly papal address. The windows of the papal study in the Apostolic Palace were opened for the first time since Francis' predecessor, Benedict XVI, gave his last Sunday blessing on Feb. 24. Four days later, Benedict went into retirement, the first pontiff to do so in nearly 600 years.
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Police in central India arrest 5 men in connection with gang rape of Swiss tourist

• NEW DELHI (AP) -- Police said they arrested five men Sunday in connection with the gang rape of a Swiss woman who was attacked in central India while on a cycling vacation with her husband.
• All five men admitted to the attack, which occurred Friday night as the woman and her husband camped out in a forest in Datia district of Madhya Pradesh state, said D. K. Arya, a senior police officer.
• Arya said the men, who are from nearby villages, were arrested in Datia. Police were searching for two other men believed to have been involved in the attack, he said.
• The couple told police that the woman had been raped by seven or eight men, but that it was dark and they could not be sure of the exact number, Arya said. They said the husband also was attacked by the men.
• The woman, 39, was treated Saturday at a hospital in the nearby city of Gwalior and was released later that day, police said.
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250,000 brave chilly, damp Dublin to watch -- and join -- a special St. Patrick's Day parade

• DUBLIN (AP) -- Never mind the fickle Irish weather. A chilly, damp Dublin celebrated St. Patrick's Day with artistic flair anyway Sunday as the focal point for a weekend of Irish celebrations worldwide.
• More than 250,000 revelers braved the occasionally snowy, sleety skies to line the streets for the traditional holiday parade, a 3-kilometer (2-mile) jaunt through the city's heart involving performers from 46 countries.
• Unusually, 8,000 tourists in town for the festivities led this year's procession in a

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