Thursday,  March 14, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 238 • 24 of 31 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 23)

nation's largest cable company, offers viewers a chance to get acquainted with series they might not have followed.

• The Lakers' Kobe Bryant will be out indefinitely with a badly sprained ankle.

AP News in Brief
New Pope Francis leaves Vatican, prays at Rome's St. Mary Major basilica a day after elected

• VATICAN CITY (AP) -- Pope Francis opened his first morning as pontiff by praying Thursday at Rome's main basilica dedicated to the Virgin Mary, a day after cardinals elected him the first pope from the Americas in a bid to revive a Catholic Church in crisis and give it a preacher with a humble touch.
• The former archbishop of Buenos Aires, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, entered the St. Mary Major basilica through a side entrance just after 8 a.m. (0700 GMT) and left about 30 minutes later. He had told a crowd of some 100,000 people packed in rain-soaked St. Peter's Square just after his election that he intended to pray Friday to the Madonna "that she may watch over all of Rome."
• He told cardinals he would also call on retired Pope Benedict XVI on Thursday and celebrate an inaugural Mass in the Sistine Chapel, where cardinals on Wednesday elected him leader of the 1.2 million-strong church in an unusually quick conclave.
• Francis, the first Jesuit pope and first non-European since the Middle Ages, decided to call himself Francis after St. Francis of Assisi, the humble friar who dedicated his life to helping the poor.
• The new pope immediately charmed the crowd in St. Peter's that roared when his name was announced.
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Pope Francis' election stirs up Argentine 'dirty war' allegations; biographer calls it unfair

• BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -- Pope Francis is rarely talked about without mention of his humility, his reluctance to talk about himself. The self-effacement, admirers say, is why he has hardly ever denied one of the harshest allegations against him: That he was among church leaders who actively supported Argentina's murder

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