Thursday,  March 14, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 238 • 17 of 31 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 16)

with overseas support teams, U.S.-based project centers work better when a company needs continuous interaction with their consultants or want techs to speak to their customers.
• "Actually, it's cheaper to do work in South Dakota than it is in Chennai, India, when you really get down to it," Behrendt said. "That's what the business and corporate world is realizing."
• Eagle Creek has wanted to expand in the Dakotas, but the company had been having trouble finding qualified people to fill consultant positions. So it called the state Governor's Office of Economic Development for help.
• Officials worked with the state Board of Regents to create a four-course certificate at the University of South Dakota geared to the software skills Eagle Creek was seeking, allowing the company to spend less time on in-house training, said Mel Ustad, the office's director of commercialization.
• "We see this as a great opportunity to create the quality jobs for college graduates and to continue to increase the number of grads who stay in South Dakota," Ustad said.
• Students opting for the IT Consultant Academy certificate will take two software engineering courses, project management and data management.
• Laurie Becvar, the university's senior associate provost, said the school is looking for students with a background in computer science, business or science and engineering and a high technical aptitude. The candidates should also want to work in South Dakota.
• "It's a strategy to grow professional and competitive jobs in South Dakota and to grow our own workforce," Becvar said. "It's a great example of a university customizing higher education to meet the needs of business and industry."
• The academy also offers paid internships with Eagle Creek that can lead to potential employment in IT consultant jobs that pay $40,000 to $45,000 per year.
• Eagle Creek's partnership with the University of South Dakota in Vermillion led the company to choose the city of about 10,000 for its newest project center.
• Steve Howe, executive director of the Vermillion Area Chamber of Commerce, said the specialized courses and new office to employ students opting for the certificate will boost the local economy.
• "Over time you can just create a direct pipeline," Howe said. "So having the center here in Vermillion makes a lot of sense."
• Eagle Creek will also add jobs at the company's project centers in Pierre and Valley City, N.D., bringing those centers up to 150 and 100 employees, respectively. The company plans to add other South Dakota locations later.

(Continued on page 18)

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