Sunday,  March 10, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 234 • 13 of 36 •  Other Editions

Confused People take second

• Challenge D - entitled Change in Realitee"  This is the improvisational challenge.  The team has to create a 5 minute improvisation skit about life after a dramatic change and how the characters adapt to this change.  They must learn about different communication techniques and integrate one into the skit.  The team can use only white t-shirts (up to 8), washable markers and team members to create all costumes, sets and props.  This team also has to create a team slogan from three randomly selected nouns given to them during their prep time.    The team has 5 minutes to create and prepare an improv skit that integrates 3 improv elements.  Then they are given an additional minute to integrate one other improve element into their skit.  They then have 5 minutes to present their skit. 
Back row  Luke Smith, Alyssa Sippel  Front row, Breanna Marzahn and Katie Groeblinghoff.  Senior level team, placed second, coached by Julie Milbrandt and Joni Groeblinghoff. (Photo #5199 by Paul Kosel)

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