Saturday,  March 9, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 233 • 48 of 53 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 47)

den has said.
• Hanson died immediately from a broken neck, according to the coroner's autopsy report. Other injuries were sustained after her death, the report states.
• Family members say they're relieved the young woman was killed instantly when the lion swiped or lunged at her at Cat Haven, a 100-acre private zoo run by the nonprofit group Project Survival.
• "We're thankful to know she didn't suffer," Hanson's brother, Paul R. Hanson, told The Associated Press.
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For Biden chief of staff Bruce Reed, low profile is key to outsize influence

• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Understated. Self-effacing. Nonthreatening. Refreshingly old-fashioned.
• Don't let these cool descriptors from friends and colleagues fool you: As the vice president's chief of staff, Bruce Reed plays Mr. Fix-It, guiding Joe Biden's role as a driving force behind the Obama administration's agenda.
• With the White House wrestling Congress over gun control and tax-and-spending priorities, Reed's deep ties to the Oval Office and reputation for getting along with both parties make him a central character in some of Washington's biggest political battles.
• Those who know Reed say his low-key style and consensus-oriented approach to deal-making are the keys to how he's managed time and again to bridge an ever-widening gap between Democrats and Republicans -- even when it rankles partisan Democrats who see concessions to the GOP as selling out.
• "It gets characterized from an ideological perspective, meaning centrist vs. leftist. Bruce would probably see it more as, 'Are you a reformer and willing to make changes to accomplish the same goals?'" said Chicago mayor and former White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who co-wrote a policy book with Reed after they served together in the Clinton administration.
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Colorado Democrats advance some gun control measures, give up others

• DENVER (AP) -- Lawmakers advanced Colorado's strictest gun proposals in recent memory, during marathon debate in a state caught between a history of horrific

(Continued on page 49)

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