Thursday,  March 7, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 231 • 5 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 4)


HB1039 - An Act to clarify the gross receipts subject to taxation by the retail sales and service tax, the gross receipts tax on visitor-related businesses, the municipal non-ad valorem tax, and the municipal gross receipts tax.

HB1067 - An Act to designate POW/MIA Recognition Day as a working state holiday.
HB1069 - An Act to increase the administrative assessment fee for the guarantee fund.

HB1070 - An Act to revise certain provisions relating to the failure to fulfill the responsibilities of jury duty.
HB1071 - An Act to revise the contents of the application for the discharge of a civil judgment debt discharged in bankruptcy.
HB1072 - An Act to repeal certain provisions providing a criminal penalty for a political party to endorse or nominate a judicial candidate.
HB1073 - An Act to establish a procedure for the determination of the competency of a juvenile to proceed in a juvenile court matter.
HB1076 - An Act to repeal the requirement to separately publish certain information concerning county poor relief from the minutes of the county commissions.
HB1078 - An Act to revise the location where certain county highway maps may be filed.
HB1084 - An Act to designate Purple Heart Recognition Day as a working state holiday.
HB1099 - An Act to authorize municipalities to pay for certain services in advance.
HB1107 - An Act to revise certain provisions relating to drainage utility fees in municipalities.
HB1117 - An Act to revise the definition of a temporary special events lot for the purposes of vehicle dealer licensing.
HB1153 - An Act to exempt certain environmental upgrade values from assessment during construction and to provide a sunset clause for the environmental upgrade exemption.

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