Tuesday,  February 26, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 222 • 3 of 28 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

$10 hour. He started Monday, Feb. 25..
• A program overview was given on the libraries in both schools. One problem that was noted was the difficulty in finding books at an age appropriate level but written at a higher reading level.
• "This is a great problem for a school to have," Elementary Principal Dan Dalchow said. "Our kids are reading at higher levels, but we want the subject matters to still be age appropriate."
• There was also some discussion over the use of online subscriptions compared to having hard copy subscriptions.
• "The students preferred to have the hard copy in their hands when they come to the library," High School Librarian Brenda Madsen said.
• The board moved into executive session to discuss personnel issues and staffing.

• -Char Telkamp

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