Friday,  February 15, 2013 • Vol. 14--No. 211 • 5 of 38 •  Other Editions

Renee Swisher (right) is having a Valentine's Day supper at the Golden Living Center with her mom, Marion Mydland. (Photo by Paul Kosel)

Welke's Legislative Update

• It's hard to believe that we have completed the 6th week of the 2013 legislative session.  (24 days out of the 38 day session).  February 20th marks the cross-over day which is when all bills must be completed in their house of origin and travel to the other legislative body.  We have very full agendas in committees and on the floor as this deadline quickly approaches.
School Funding
The good news for SD schools is that they continue to grow. This school year, there were 1,700 more students than last year.  Next school year (2013-14) we are projected to grow by another 1,600 students. The challenge that growth imposes affects both local school districts and state government as we attempt to direct resources towards our schools.  Some schools, especially in more remote rural areas, would love to have this "problem" as they are more likely to see declining en

Chuck Welke

• School funding is certainly my top priority as a legislator. Unfortunately, this important decision is typically made towards the very end of the session.  We know that schools are struggling to make up for the budget cuts of past years. You've

(Continued on page 6)

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