Sunday,  February 10, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 206 • 3 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

• There is no picture quite as refreshing as a couple still together after all those years of turmoil and temerity. The easiest thing in all the world is to fall in love for a few years and then, when it gets difficult, bale out. What kind of thing is that?
• Ah, but to see a couple married for 50 years or more; now that is the epitome of real romance.
• I'll have you know that romance has not been a stranger at the parsonage. I met my wife (actually, she wasn't my wife then) when I went away to Bible college in 1970.
• At the time, I was functionally romance challenged. Before I left home for college, I prayed for a wife. I had the good sense to know that a minister needs a good wife to support him in the ministry.
• I prayed something like this, "Father, I need a good wife and I don't know how to go about it. Let the first single girl I meet at Bible college be the wife of Your choosing."
• Now, I know this is a crazy and dangerous prayer to make. Some would take the high road of romance, but I took the low road of prayer. I may have been a bit desperate, but nobody could doubt my earnestness. I also figured that prayer was a lot cheaper than dating. After all, I am a Pennsylvania Dutchman.
• Nevertheless, I prayed for a wife.
• The day of my arrival on campus came and found me a bit anxious. I remembered my prayer and wondered just how God would answer it.
• My parents took me to the college, which was some 500 miles from home; good

(Continued on page 4)

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