Thursday,  February 7, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 203 • 5 of 31 •  Other Editions

Valentine Diaper Tree for Life in Groton

A Valentine Diaper Tree for Life will be at Dairy Queen beginning on Monday, January 28 and continuing through February 16.  This is a great way to show love to babies and families this Valentine's season!  Everyone is encouraged to bring packages or boxes of diapers that will be given to the Alpha Center in Sioux Falls. The Alpha Center is a not-for-profit pregnancy resource center that helps women with unexpected pregnancies lay the groundwork for life with baby and helps them to make other decisions that will benefit both mother and baby. You can visit their website at  For any questions please call Valerie Duncan at 216-6610 or Stephen Duncan at 252-2362.

Building Permits

Steve and Carol Smith, 1104 N Main, Reshingle House, $10,000
Kevin Nehls, 205 E 3rd, Build Garage, $10,000
Emmanuel Lutheran Church, 1006 N 2nd St, Move in Storage shed, $3,700
Leibelt Homes, 405 N Lincoln, Remove Mobile Home, $0
Coralea Wolter, 12 E 3rd St, Remove Wall, $3,000

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