Monday,  February 4, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 200 • 4 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 3)

nel Bill which would allow teachers, administrators, or staff to become "authorized personnel" and carry a gun in school if the local School Board approves. I believe that current law is adequate in that it already allows schools to have a school resource officer. An officer of the law should be the only "authorized" person with a weapon on school grounds. While we all have the same admirable motive to keep our kids safe, I believe that allowing teachers and staff to carry guns in schools only increases the possibility of accident, liability, and will likely create intense public pressure whatever the local board decides.  I voted against this proposed law, but it passed 42-27 in the House and will now go to the Senate.
• Proponents claim that schools are known to be gun-free zones and this increases our children's vulnerability. But almost all places where families gather are likely to be gun free. How far do we go? Should we make sure armed volunteers are at each of our church services, Sunday Schools, ball games, city parks, movie theatres, and pizza places? Do we really want our children to feel that their SD school is so at-risk that we must allow teachers to carry weapons? There's a lot to think about, but let's not forget to think about who really matters-our kids and how this will make them feel.
• Thank you so much for the opportunity to serve you, the residents of District 1.  I welcome your input on this issue or any other you wish to comment on. Please feel free to contact me at or call me at 605-216-3451 with any questions.

Groton Prairie Mixed

Team Standings: Jackelopes 17, Foxes 14 ½, Chipmunks 13 ½, Coyotes 13, Pocket Gophers 8, Killer Chihuahuas 6
Men's High Games: Mike Wiley 248, Craig Dunker 217, 213, Brad Waage 215, 213, Steve Giedt 202, Ryan Schelle 202, Roger Spanier 200
Women's High Games: Sue Stanley 188, Jennifer Schelle 178, Hayley Spitzer 173
Men's High Series: Brad Waage 627, Steve Giedt 575, Craig Dunker 565
Women's High Series: Sue Stanley 486, Hayley Spitzer 485, Vicki Jorgensen 480

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