Monday,  February 4, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 200 • 33 of 36 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 32)

• That includes a government mandate in England that schools work to prevent bullying, and changes in the United States permitting same-sex marriage in several states.
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Textbook study finds Israelis, Palestinians ignoring the other side

• JERUSALEM (AP) -- Both Israeli and Palestinian schoolbooks largely present one-sided narratives of the conflict between the two peoples and tend to ignore the existence of the other side, but rarely resort to demonization, a study released Monday said.
• The study by Israeli, Palestinian and American researchers, billed as setting a new scientific standard for textbook analysis, tackled a particularly fraught issue --

longstanding Israeli claims that the Palestinians teach hatred of Israel and glorify violence in their schools.
• The research, funded by the U.S. State Department, appeared to undermine these allegations, though it was unlikely to resolve the debate.
• Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu argues that the conflict with the Palestinians is not over land, but over Israel's acceptance in the region, and that peace is not possible until the alleged incitement stops.
• Palestinians say Netanyahu is hiding behind such claims to divert attention from settlement building on occupied lands and from what they believe is his unwillingness to reach a peace deal on internationally backed terms.
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Former King Sihanouk, modern Cambodia's dominant figure, to be cremated amid mass mourning

• PHNOM PENH, Cambodia (AP) -- Hundreds of thousands of mourners gathered in Cambodia's capital Monday awaiting the cremation of former King Norodom Sihanouk, the revered "King-Father," who survived wars and the murderous Khmer Rouge regime to hold center stage in the southeast Asian nation for more than half a century.
• Cambodians from across the country flocked to Phnom Penh to pay their last respects as Sihanouk was given elaborate funeral rites -- mingling Hindu, Buddhist and animist traditions -- last seen 53 years ago with the death of Sihanouk's father, King Norodom Suramarit. And they may never be seen again in a rapidly moderniz

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