Wednesday,  January 23, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 188 • 9 of 46 •  Other Editions

Brown County Historical Society Annual Meeting
Features Program about Frederick, South Dakota

•   The Brown County Historical Society will hold its annual meeting at the Dacotah Prairie Museum on Saturday, February 2, 2013.  The gathering will begin with a lunch served at 12 noon. Cost of the lunch is $10. per person, and reservations can be made by calling the Dacotah Prairie Museum 626-7117 no later than Thursday, January 30.
•  The program will begin immediately following lunch at approximately 12:45pm if attendees choose not to come for the lunch.  Heidi Martilla-Losure, marketing director of Frederick Forward, will be on hand along with representatives of the Frederick Historical Society to discuss what the town's residents are doing not only to save information about its past

Frederick Main Street in 1911

Interior of Frederick's Telephone Office

but also to plan for its future, both for the benefit of future generations.
•  Frederick was platted in August 1881, by the Chicago-Milwaukee Railroad as it inched further into Brown County with its tracks, which reached Frederick on September 12, 1881.  By December of that year, lots were available for purchase, and

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