Tuesday,  January 22, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 187 • 12 of 39 •  Other Editions

Knecht to go on mission trip to Thailand, Cambodia

• In this day and age, it is hard to imagine that slavery still exists in our world.  However, modern-day slavery, or human trafficking, is a very real thing. In early February Megan Knecht, Groton alumnus, will be headed on a mission trip to Thailand and Cambodia. She will be serving on a ministry team that works with organizations that help victims of human trafficking. Megan will be part of a mission team from Tapestry International Ministry, which is a non-profit that seeks to raise up leaders for God's justice. While in Thailand and Cambodia, Megan and her ministry team will do several outreach projects.  She will also have the opportunity to learn about human trafficking in Southeast Asia and be able to bless area ministries who help human trafficking victims leave their old lives and become equipped to provide for themselves outside of prostitution.

• Megan is looking forward to being a part of this ministry and hopes that others will share in her vision for healing the victims of human trafficking and educating the masses about the emotionally, physically, and spiritually hurtful affects of modern slavery. Serving on a mission like this requires financial support from several partners.  Megan would be very grateful for any financial support given. Most importantly, Megan asks that you would partner with her in prayer for her team and the ministries that they will be working for. 
• Megan is the daughter of Mick and Becky Knecht of rural Houghton and has one brother, Matt who is a sophomore at Groton Area High School.  She attends church with her family at Groton's Christian & Missionary Alliance Church.
•  Thank you and God bless!

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