Saturday,  January 189 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 184 • 12 of 42 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 11)

People think the picture represents the way the place is all the time."
• Cantrell also talked about how a community can retain new comers to the community. One of the biggest reasons people move out of a community after a few years is because they don't feel they belong.
• "One of the things I've learned about small towns," Cantrell said. "Rural Communities don't like new comers. They don't have a biography. You don't know anything about them and they don't know how to go about making a contribution to the community even though they want to."
• Cantrell also stated that a good relationship between businesses and the development community is essential to making community successful and welcoming and the Chamber is great way to bring the two together.

• -Char Telkamp

Dr. Randy Cantrell with the Nebraska Center for Applied Rural Innovation, was the guest speaker for the Groton Chamber Annual meeting. He spoke on the findings of the four year study. (Photo #1964 by Char Telkamp)

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