Sunday,  January 13, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 178 • 2 of 33 •  Other Editions

The Lighter Side
Rev. James L. Snyder

As my luck would have it

• I am not superstitious [knock on wood] but some things happen to me that leave me a little bit suspicious. I am not sure if there is a connection be

tween superstitious and suspicious, but if there were, that would explain a lot in my life.
• I start every year with high hopes of making certain changes in my life. If I had a quarter for every change I wanted to make in my life but didn't, I would have all the change I need.
• This past week was one of those weeks. I was minding my own business, which for me is a full-time job without benefits, and no matter what I did; I was either a day late or a dollar short.
• I had to go across town for a business meeting and as my luck would have it, I hit every red light. I am not sure but it seemed that there were 1,937 traffic lights in route to my destination.
• I had a gift card that I cannot remember when I got it, but I thought I would get a nice gift for myself. I selected my gift, went to the cash out counter and was informed that my gift card had expired "yesterday." I think I have just too many yesterdays in my life. I would like a card once that would expire "tomorrow". I have plenty of them.
• The bookstore that I do my business was having a special on a book that I really wanted. I got to the store, stood in line for well over an hour and, as my luck would

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