Sunday,  January 6, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 171 • 13 of 45 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 12)

say 20, but the body really knows it is 40.
• If people would put the money they spend to look young in a 401(k) their golden years would truly be golden. How much money is spent each year on plastic surgery? What I want to know is, who in the world do they think they are fooling? Their mirror?
• Right after the New Year's celebration, I got up one morning feeling terrific. There was a bounce in my step, a giggle on my tongue; I was feeling like I was 20 something. I had not felt this good since I cannot remember how long. Then it happened.
• No matter how good you might feel some day, there is always something or someone who can undermine that and put you in your proper place.
• My mistake was going into the bathroom. There in the bathroom for all the world to see, especially me is this ghastly object called a mirror. When I looked into the mirror, I was shocked to see I was not alone. I thought I had come into the bathroom by myself but there in the mirror was this old guy I hardly recognized.
• My first reaction was to ask him to leave the bathroom and then I noticed something. That person in the mirror was me! All of those exhilarating feelings dissipated as reality grabbed hold of my soul and soundly shook me.
• In my Bible reading that morning, I read what the apostle Paul said. "And be renewed in the spirit of your minds; and that she put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness" (Ephesians 4:23-24 KJV).
• Only God, in His wisdom, can create in me something that is truly new.

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