Saturday,  January 5, 2013 • Vol. 13--No. 170 • 15 of 44 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 14)

the solar system, after Jupiter, Saturn has the lowest average density of any solar system planet. Saturn would actually float in water - that is, if you could find an ocean large enough to float in on!
• Bottom line: Look for the moon in the vicinity of Saturn and Spica on Sunday morning, January 6, 2013. After Sunday, the moon will continue passing stars and planets in the predawn sky for several more days.

Here is the predawn sky on Saturday morning - January 5, 2013 - as seen by EarthSky Facebook friend Annie Lewis. Thanks, Annie! You can see that, on Saturday, the moon was above Spica. By Sunday morning, the moon will be between Spica and Saturn. This movement of the moon across the sky from day to day happens because of the moon's motion in orbit around Earth.

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