Friday,  December 14, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 149 • 31 of 33 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 30)

Roberts parked his 1996 Volkswagen Jetta in front of the second-floor entrance to Macy's. He then walked through the store into the mall and began firing randomly in the food court, authorities said.
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Review: New Google Maps app big step up from Apple software, previous version

• NEW YORK (AP) -- Like a lot of people, I was happy and relieved to see Google Maps return to the iPhone.
• I'd been frustrated with the Apple mapping software that had replaced it three months ago. For one thing, it didn't have public transit directions, a feature important for New Yorkers like me. Apple's mapping app also wasn't as good as the old Google app in finding destinations. I often had to type full addresses rather than just the name of a business.
• I tried to get by instead with maps on Google's mobile website, but I found that clunky and slower to start up. So when Google Maps returned this week as its own app, I installed it right away. Although it may not be perfect, it is a big step up from both Apple's current software and the old Google-powered Maps app that Apple kicked off the iPhone in September.
• For the first time, Google Maps has turn-by-turn voice navigation on the iPhone, and with that, automatic recalculation of routes whenever you make a wrong turn. The feature had been available on Android phones since 2009, but Google's previous refusal to bring it to the iPhone is believed to be a key reason Apple decided to develop its own technology.
• The new app also offers public transit information for more than 500 cities around the world. That's a feature Apple's own mapping software lacks.

Today in History
The Associated Press

• Today is Friday, Dec. 14, the 349th day of 2012. There are 17 days left in the year.

• Today's Highlight in History:
• On Dec. 14, 1962, the U.S. space probe Mariner 2 passed Venus at a distance of just over 21,000 miles, transmitting information about the planet, such as its hot surface temperatures and predominantly carbon dioxide atmosphere.

(Continued on page 32)

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