Wednesday,  December 12, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 147 • 2 of 37 •  Other Editions

C&MA Christmas Program is Sunday

The Groton Christian and Missionary Alliance Church will be hosting their annual Christmas program on Sunday, Dec. 16 at 5 pm. This year's musical is titled  "Christmas at Bethlehem Gulch." The story centers around group of kids who arrive at Bethlehem Gulch for their annual Christmas party. Things are going great until the children realize that they are not on a horse and cattle ranch; they have mistakenly chosen a sheep ranch for their Christmas celebration. Miss Diane, the owner of the ranch, shares the message of Christ's birth, and Robert, one lost and lonely child, finds the best Christmas gift ever... Jesus. The musical features kids, youth, and adults all under the direction of Carrie Olson.This promises to be a great night for the whole family. Following the musical everyone is invited to be our guest for a turkey and ham dinner with all of the trimmings.

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