Sunday,  December 09, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 144 • 6 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 5)

North Pole.
• I had some time this week to do a little rummaging through my old thought gallery. For the most part, we only celebrate Christmas once a year. I think Charles Dickens had it right with old Mr. Scrooge, after his conversion, celebrating Christmas every day of the year. I wonder what kind of world this would be if all of us would celebrate Christmas every day of the year?
• If I were president of the United States, I would enact a law that would set aside one year to be a year of celebrating Christmas all 365 days. I think I would only have to do it once and nobody would want to go back to the old grumpy times of celebrating it only one time out of the year.
• I was thinking about this the other night when the Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage jarred me back to reality.
• "Have you," she queried most seriously, "finished with your Christmas shopping?"
• Christmas shopping! I had forgotten about it. I know we celebrate Christmas every year but I sometimes get so caught up with celebrating Christmas I forget about buying Christmas presents. After all, that Christmas tree would be somewhat naked if there were not Christmas presents to litter around the bottom.
• I had to look at my wife and say, "No, I haven't even started."
• By the time the dust of that thought settled I had to ask her, "How many Christmas presents do I have to buy?"
• "Silly boy," she said with a chuckle that could compete with good old Santa Claus any day of the week, "you got to buy Christmas presents for everybody in our family." Then she chuckled some more just to set that thought into my cranium.
• Everybody in our family? Now I am beginning to see red.

• Santa's red suit has nothing to do with a North Pole fashion statement; it has everything to do with my financial statement.
• I got a piece of paper and together my wife and I jotted down all of the members in our family. A few members I wanted to veto, but my wife vetoed my veto. By the time we were done, I would have to purchase Christmas presents for hundreds and hundreds of family

(Continued on page 7)

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