Thursday,  December 06, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 141 • 6 of 30 •  Other Editions

Fire quenched quickly

• Groton Firemen responded to a grass fire one mile east of Groton on 13th Ave on Wednesday evening. A passing neighbor noticed the flames and called it in.
• "While the flames from the fire were visible from town, the fire was quickly knocked down and put out," Groton Fire Chief Dion Bahr said. "Just a couple of acres burned,"
• The cause of the fire is unknown, possibly a cigarette thrown out a window. The pasture land where the fire started is owned by Alan Zoellner
• Responding to the fire was the Groton Police Department, Groton Fire Department, including the Bath Station; and the Conde Fire Department

Building Permits

Damian Bahr, 312 E 4th Ave, Move in Garage, $1,000
David Blackmun, 402 E 7th Ave, new deck, $5,000
Ron Anderson, 609 N 3rd St, remodel and increase garage, $10,000
Keith Rath, 219 N Main St, reroof building, $8,500

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