Tuesday,  December 04, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 139 • 6 of 36 •  Other Editions

Bahr Family News

On November 22 Mike and Roxanne Fey of  Ferney, hosted Thanksgiving dinner. Those in attendance were Marvin Bahr, Brookings, Steve Dahlman, Roscholt, Alvin and Donna Bahr, Turton, Art Bahr, Ferney. Also Marvin Bahr 40th birthday was celebrated. The afternoon was spent in visitation and card playing

Claremont Recorder

by Beverly Patterson

• I'm not sure about your town, but I think Claremont gave Decembers' debut a grand welcome!  I witnessed shorts and lighter jackets, bike riding, hopping, and skipping…even cartwheels on Saturday.  I kept the door open to the store as it would get too warm inside with the heat from the coolers.  Isn't that a funny thought?  I didn't realize it until I typed it but it's kind of ironic that the coolers work so hard to keep things inside cold that they pour out a bunch of heat on the outside making their own job, well, even harder!  I tend to do things like that, come to think of it.  It's not on purpose, of course, things just seem to happen to lengthen the amount of time I planned to spend on any given project. Currently I'm working on a photo book to give as a Christmas gift.  My niece spun me through an online website offering a ton of helpful hints when she was here for Thanksgiving.  It looked sort of fun, so

this week, I finally had some time during my tonsillitis episode when I felt I could sit in front of my computer without a ton of guilt.  Oh how exciting this project is going to be, I thought.  This book I create is surely going to be the recipients' favorite gift this year.  There will most likely be tears of joy and heart wrenching comments and lots of hugs…..oh, I can hardly wait to wrap it!  Ok, back

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