Saturday,  December 1, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 136 • 30 of 41 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 29)

Excerpts from recent South Dakota editorials
The Associated Press

• Argus Leader, Sioux Falls. Nov. 26, 2012
• Wind energy credit vital for S.D.
• South Dakota has at least one constant: wind.
• It can pack a punch no matter the season with a drying spring wind that allows farmers to head to the fields, a summer blast of hot air that does little to cool us, fall winds that strip a tree naked in a day and howling winds of winter that ignite a blizzard or just make our homes feel more drafty.
• Those breezes blow enough for our state to rank fifth in the nation in potential for wind energy development.
• But a tax credit that is crucial to the wind energy industry expires at the end of

the year with nothing yet to replace it. That leaves an uncertainty in the industry -- an unknown that slows any wind development. This year, zero megawatts of new wind power have gone online in the state.
• The tax credit waits for a lame-duck Congress to make it a priority and fund the Production Tax Credit. South Dakota's congressional delegation approves extending the tax credit but has work to do and faces budget challenges when it comes to any subsidy.
• It's a pricey expense at an estimated $5 billion for one year, but it also generates private investments that far exceed that amount.
• It's time for all three of our lawmakers -- Sen. Tim Johnson, Sen. John Thune and Rep. Kristi Noem -- to work together to help get approval for the tax credit and put aside potential political differences to help an industry that has growth potential in a state where the wind rarely stops blowing. Jobs depend on it, and it's the right thing to do.
• We can't change the wind, but we can change the direction of wind development by extending the tax credit, at least temporarily, to help the industry continue to develop this renewable energy source.
• ___
• Rapid City Journal. Nov. 28, 2012
• Preserving Lakota language important
• Bryan Brewer knows that he faces a challenge when he is sworn in next month as president of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. Brewer, who is retired after 30 years as an educator, told the annual Lakota Language Summit held at Rapid City that preserv

(Continued on page 31)

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