Tuesday,  November 27, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 132 • 7 of 39 •  Other Editions

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dinner, I decided to give it a whirl.  What could possibly go wrong, right?  What I learned about the older cooks is the fact that they didn't own nearly as much Tupperware as I did and I'm betting neither of them had a Tupperware shaker in their cupboard.  I reluctantly drained some potato water into my shaker then added some flour, yes flour….what; you didn't think I learned my lesson with the cornstarch?  I put the mixer wheel in and then on went the top.  Now I had washed and ironed my kitchen curtains the day before….they were beautiful, hanging with perfectly formed pleats on the window almost appearing to be a part of a photo shoot for the JCPenney catalog.  Everything was going great.  My curtains were beautiful, I was using potato water for the gravy which pleased the older cooks and life was looking pretty sweet…..until…..I began to shake the shaker.  What happened next is not pretty.  The heat from the potato water caused the shaker to literally explode and you guessed it…..all over the perfect curtains!  There was something to be learned from this experience…..they wouldn't make gravy and put it in jars and sell it at the store if you weren't supposed to buy it, right?  The other lesson learned, boiling water and Tupperware shakers do not like each other.
• Holland's Auto Center in Claremont had a great turnout for their customer appreciation supper and tool sale held last Thursday evening.  The meal included pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, potato salad, chips and assorted goodies.  It was a very enjoyable evening for this little community.
• Friday evening the Claremont Legion Hall housed a nice crowd for the Annual Turkey Raffle.  There were once again lots of nice door prizes including cash, merchandise and gift certificates from area businesses.
• I guess for now, there is no more real news.  I checked my emails and phone messages and found nothing more to report so I'm going to take just a minute to share a thought with you.  I'm sure you remember me mentioning that several of my friends on facebook were giving something they were thankful for each and every

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