Tuesday,  November 27, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 132 • 34 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 33)

the 112 people killed in a weekend garment fire, and labor groups planned more protests to demand better worker safety in an industry notorious for operating in firetraps.
• The national flag flew at half-staff in government buildings. The country's factories were closed as a mark of respect, and prayers for the dead were held in places of worship across the Muslim-majority South Asian nation.
• Relatives and colleagues gathered near the site of Saturday's blaze, many wearing black badges as a sign of mourning.
• "I've lost my son and the only member to earn for the family," said Nilufar Khatoon, the mother of a worker who died. "What shall I do now?"
• Some labor organizations planned rallies later Tuesday. About 15,000 workers protested Monday blocks away from the gutted factory, blocking traffic on a major highway in a suburb of Dhaka, the capital.
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Cuomo compares Katrina and Sandy as damage estimate across region soars to more than $62B

• ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared Superstorm Sandy in some ways worse than 2005's Hurricane Katrina as he said his state would need $42 billion to recover from the damage wreaked in late October and prevent future catastrophe.
• The figure includes more than $32 billion for damage and restoration and an additional $9 billion to head off damage in future storms, including steps to protect the power grid and cellphone network.
• As he and other political leaders in his state conferred on how much federal aid to seek, he said New York taxpayers can't foot the bill.
• "It would incapacitate the state," he said at a news conference Monday. "Tax increases are always a last, last, last resort."
• Comparisons of Sandy to Katrina, which swamped New Orleans and the Gulf Coast in 2005, put the East Coast's recovery "in focus," he declared, saying Sandy hit a more densely populated region and caused more costly damage than Katrina.
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Experts exhume remains of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat searching for clues to his death

• RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) -- Palestinian officials say Yasser Arafat's remains have been reburied, just hours after being exhumed as part of a probe into his

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