Tuesday,  November 27, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 132 • 24 of 39 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 23)

day, citing agency policy for ongoing investigations, but he reiterated that authorities do not consider the public to be in danger.
• Mourners waited in long lines to enter Bethel Lutheran Church, where Johnson served as chairwoman of the church's board. Some 400 people packed in the building that seats only 180 in the pews, the pastor said.
• "The choir loft, the fellowship hall and the dining room were full," he said. "We didn't have room enough to seat everybody."
• Vehicles were backed up for blocks as the funeral procession made its way through the town of fewer than 2,000 people.
• Services for the Schuster children are slated for Thursday in the eastern North Dakota community of Warsaw, where the children lived before moving to New Town earlier this year to live with their grandparents. The children's parents are Kevin and Rebecca Schuster of Minto.
• Twelve-year-old Christian Schuster survived the deadly shooting by feigning death as he lay under his slain brother's body, and his 8-year-old sister, Ava, was spared because she was down the street "sledding with some pals," Patterson said.
• Harley Johnson, Martha's husband of 32 years, was out hunting at the time of the shootings.
• Johnson's obituary says she was involved in many community activities, from Girl Scouts to 4-H. She also was the first female president of the New Town Chamber of Commerce. Johnson recently retired as a finance and human resources manager at Northrup Grumman in New Town.
• Her obituary says she was a private pilot and an "avid sportswoman" who enjoyed hunting and fishing, as well as also bowling, bridge, quilting, sewing and gardening.
• Johnson also routinely did things for those in need -- from feeding them to taking people out for a boat ride, her pastor said.
• "She was a gracious woman," Patterson said.

Lack of moisture slowing winter wheat crop in SD

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- A lack of moisture is to blame for the slow progression of South Dakota's winter wheat crop emergence last week.
• The U.S. Department of Agriculture says in its weekly crop and weather report that winter wheat is 60 percent emerged, behind last year's estimate of 100 percent.
• Cattle conditions are rated at 72 percent good to excellent, 24 percent fair and 4 percent poor.

(Continued on page 25)

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