Saturday,  November 17, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 122 • 10 of 33 •  Other Editions

Three FFA members qualify for state

• Groton's FFA Chapter took part in the District I Leadership CDE's this week with three of the members qualifying for the State Contest in December. Advancing to the state contest are Katie Miller, Tyra Leonhardt and Joellen Gonsoir.

Groton FFA members qualifying for the State Leadership Contest were: Tyra Leonhardt, Extemporaneous Speaking; Joellen Gonsoir, Job Interview and Katie Miller, Creed Speaking. (Photo #0491 by Char Telkamp)

• Leonhardt and Gonsoir will also represent Groton as the newly elected District President and District Secretary, respectfully.
• Career opportunities abound within today's agriculture industry, and Career Development Events (CDEs) help students develop the abilities to think critically, communicate clearly, and perform effectively in a competitive job market.
• There are 24 CDEs, covering job skills in everything from communications to mechanics. Some events allow students to compete as individuals, while others allow them to compete in teams.
• Parliamentary Procedure is one of the team events. During the Parliamentary Procedure CDE, teams conduct a mock chapter meeting to demonstrate their knowledge of basic parliamentary law and the correct use parliamentary procedures.
• Groton had two teams compete, one in the senior division and one in the junior division. Both teams placed third. The senior Parliamentary Procedure team included - Lauren Kulwicki, Joellen Gonsoir, Maryn Howard, Braden Miller, Tyra Leonhardt, Stephen Simon and Wyatt Sombke. The Junior. Parliamentary Procedure

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