Sunday,  November 4, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 110 • 8 of 30 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 7)

Senate version of the VAWA reauthorization.  This reauthorization passed with a supermajority of votes in the Senate, a feat in itself during these times of exceptional political rancor. With the passage of this bipartisan measure by the House of Representatives, we would continue on the path of reducing domestic violence and sexual assault in South Dakota and across the Nation.

October 2012 Climate Information

October 2012 was generally drier and cooler than normal across central and northeast South Dakota along with west central Minnesota. Some decent precipitation finally occurred across mainly northeast South Dakota and west central Minnesota for October. Average monthly temperatures ranged from a half degree to 2 degrees below normal across the region. Central and north central South Dakota still were generally dry with over an inch of precipitation below normal.   Far northeast South Dakota and west central Minnesota were closer to normal for October precipitation. Highs for the month were early on ranging from the middle 70s to the middle 80s.   Lows for the month were in the teens to the lower 20s.

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