Tuesday,  October 30, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 105 • 35 of 41 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 34)

AP News in Brief
Superstorm Sandy rolls inland as East Coast assesses havoc that monstrous hybrid wrought

• NEW YORK (AP) -- President Barack Obama has declared a major disaster in New York and Long Island.
• The declaration makes federal funding available to people in the area. It bore the brunt of the sea surge from a superstorm that hit the East Coast on Monday.
• The National Hurricane Center said that as of 5 a.m. Tuesday, the storm was moving westward across Pennsylvania and was centered about 90 miles west of Philadelphia.
• It lost its hurricane status on Monday and is now considered an extratropical cyclone. It has left more than 7.5 million people without power.
• It is expected to move into western New York on Tuesday night and move into Canada on Wednesday.
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A state-by-state look at what's happening with the East Coast superstorm

• The massive storm that started out as Hurricane Sandy slammed into the East Coast and morphed into a huge and problematic system, putting more than 7.3 million homes and businesses in the dark and causing at least 16 deaths. Here's a snapshot of what is happening, state by state.
• North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue expanded a state of emergency to western North Carolina, which could see a foot of snow. A woman who was pulled from the Atlantic after abandoning a tall ship died. Power outages: 6,600.
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• Then and now, gaffe-prone candidates hurt GOP's chances of retaking Senate
• WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans hopeful of taking over the Senate should be measuring the drapes. But a series of blown opportunities two years ago and again this year has cost Republicans dearly in their quest for a Senate majority.
• Flawed, gaffe-prone nominees may have cost them the chance to win three seats in the 2010 GOP wave. Now, an easy pickup in Missouri and a longtime GOP

(Continued on page 36)

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