Tuesday,  October 30, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 105 • 3 of 41 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 2)

same trailer court.  Dale has been in and out of the hospital recently but is feeling much better.
• First Lieutenant Michael Swanson, Army Nurse permanently stationed in Germany was recently deployed to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan.  This is the same place that Prince Harry is stationed.  Michael will be in Afghanistan until April.
• The following are the minutes taken by secretary Mary Lynn James at the UMW meeting Thursday October 18th at 2:00pm.  President Carrie Pulfrey opened the meeting with the UMW purpose.  Shepherdess, Sue  Fritz was our visitor. 
• All the food donation slots were filled for the Hunter's Breakfast. 
• Jim Kleinsasser has the landscaping plans complete.
•  Spirit Lake wants the Christmas Shoe Boxes like the ones made in the past years.  Tree of Life is a  year round gift giving project. 
• Not as many UMW committees are needed.  The five main offices are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and a nominations committee. 
• The Christmas Evening of Music will be held December 9th.  Joan Cutler made a motion that a soup menu is served rather than the turkey supper.  Judy Pierson seconded the motion.  Carol Hanse will be in charge of the music program. 
• The Claremont UMW will be hosting the World Day of Prayer in March.  France is the designated country.  Payments for Claremont's new media project (screen projector) are nearly complete.  The up-dated sound system will be next on the list of purchases.  The funds collected from the Hunters Breakfast have been designated for this system.  The kitchen needs more upgrading.  More large plastic boxes

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