Tuesday,  October 30, 2012 • Vol. 13--No. 105 • 24 of 41 •  Other Editions

(Continued from page 23)

List of executions in South Dakota

• SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (AP) -- There have been 17 executions in South Dakota or Dakota Territory since 1877. Donald Moeller's scheduled execution Tuesday night will mark the 18th execution in South Dakota.
• Here is a list of the 17 previous executions, according to the Cultural Heritage Center:
• -- Jack McCall was hanged in Yankton on March 1, 1877, for shooting Wild Bill Hickok in Deadwood.
• -- Thomas Egan was hanged in Sioux Falls on July 13, 1882, for the murder of his wife. Years later, his stepdaughter admitted to committing the crime while on her deathbed.
• -- Brave Bear was hanged in Yankton on Nov. 15, 1882, for the murder of a pioneer settler in Sully County in 1879.
• -- James Gilmore was hanged in Deadwood on Dec. 15, 1882, for the killing of a man on the old Fort Pierre-Deadwood trail.
• -- James Leehman was hanged on Feb. 19, 1892 for the murder of James H. Burns.
• -- Nathaniel Thompson was hanged in DeSmet in October 1893 for killing his wife's friend.
• -- Jay Hicks was hanged in Sturgis in December 1893 for killing and robbing a Meade County rancher.
• -- Chief Two Sticks was hanged in Deadwood in Dec. 28, 1894, for instigating the slaying of four cowboys.
• -- Charles Brown was hanged in Deadwood in July 14, 1897, for killing and robbing a Deadwood woman.
• -- Ernest Loveswar was hanged in Sturgis on Sept. 19, 1902, for the murder of two homesteaders.
• -- Allen Walking Shield was hanged on Oct. 21, 1902, in Sioux Falls for the murder of a Native American woman named Ghost-Faced Bear.
• -- George Bear was hanged in Sioux Falls on Dec. 5, 1902, for murder.
• -- Emil Victor was hanged in Aberdeen on Nov. 16, 1909, for the murder of three people.
• -- Joe Rickman was hanged in Perkins County in 1913 for the murder of a woman and her daughter.
• -- George Sitts was electrocuted in Sioux Falls on April 8, 1947 for the Jan. 24,

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